Sunday, September 12, 2010

back in the saddle

Well it's been a long week! It has been so fun! On Saturday I flew into Salt Lake City and stayed with Melissa for a couple of days, we had fun going to cafe rio multiple times, thank to mom :) and shopping, blading a fun trail, and watching movies. Melissa is such a great hostess and I love staying with her and Sam! She even gave me a nice present when I left. I then headed up to school and arrived on Tuesday at around 2pm. I was nervous about meeting my roommates because 4 of them were surprises, but they are all so nice! We are all going to take turns making dinner for everyone on Sundays so I better freshen up my cooking skills! We all get along so good and just hang out and talk a lot so its fun. The classes I am taking are New Testament and the teacher seems really cool, Anatomy and Physiology 264 again! since I got an 86% last time I have to retake it to get an A :( My friend Lyndee is retaking it with me though so it should be fun... I love the subject so there is always more you can get out of it. I am also taking Math, English, Jazz, and auditing a ballet class which basically means I can just go take class whenever I want and it doesn't count towards credit so that will be nice. I think I will drop my jazz class though because the teacher does not seem like the nicest person, she told us she was the meanest in the department and that she would only give you an A if she would pay money to see you perform, sooo I don't think I will risk getting lower than that!

Alisha and I met some really cool people that were Caitlin's friends in Tucson so we have been hanging out with them and their apartment. This weekend has been a blur of watching movies, playing soccer, hot tubbing, the Jon Schmit concert and a Mindy Gledhill performance. I just got called as the Relief Society Secretary for this semester so we'll see how that goes! I have never had a big calling like that so it makes me a little nervous!

This is random, but as I was walking home from church today I was thinking about how crazy it is that I am in Idaho of all places! I just feel so good about being here its comforting to know that it is where I am supposed to be, I look back at my experiences these past three semesters and I can really see how the Lord has blessed my life with the friendships I have made and the people I have met. I feel like my every move has been inspired by the Lord whether it be the classes I have taken, the professors I have had, it has just been a great experience and I love it!


larainydays said...

I wish I could have seen you in Utah. I went to visit Cody and Breaelle and little Brylinn right when you left.

Sam and Melissa said...

Woo hoo, sounds like you are having a blast! I think you were made to be a farm girl :)

Brooke said...

I love when you blog...keep it coming! I love living vicariously through you and your college fun!