Monday, January 17, 2011

home sweet home

I haven't blogged in a while and I think it's because I am dreading updating on everything that has happened and haven't had time to take a breath since finals! At the end of the semester I was actually looking forward to spending sometime at home, in my own room, and with my trusty car the Corolla. Since being home I am doing the dreaded job of looking for a job. I have an interview next week so that's good! I also got a scholarship!!! This is definitely a blessing from the Lord and I know I wouldn't have gotten it if He hadn't helped me learn so much in my classes last semester by increasing my understanding and ability to learn the concepts. I am also teaching dance classes at my old studio again and taking classes so that's always fun for me to do. Brooke has also inspired me to find good deals and free things on all these web sites she checks...a favorite of mine became Groupon when they had this deal in November for half off Nordstrom Rack! After that none really caught my attention until today which now leads me to my guilty pleasure....Thrifty Joes!! Everyone else in my family hates this little old pathetic used book store because according to Ally-there are weird people there, and it wreaks with germs haha, but I love going there and getting really good classic books for super cheap! my best find there was the book Beauty by Robin McKinley that Sister Nally let me borrow once and it instantly became one of my favorite books, It is a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast and I couldn't put it down. Anyway... today the groupon is pay $10 for $20 worth of books! that is like 6 new books! today is a good day :)


Sam and Melissa said...

I need to read that book! My library didn't have it. Maybe I will steal it from you when I come, he he.

Caitlin Flake said...