So many things have happened this semester I don't even know where to start. It has been fun living with my friends at Tuscany and I will never forget all the good times!
We went to Craigo's Pizza for Lyndee's 21st birthday!
This is at our ward party, for Halloween this year we were hobbits from Lord of the Rings!
Shelly was Frotto, I was Pipen, and Jill was Sam: hence the pillow stuffed in her shirt. We used black cobwebs to put fake hair on our feet and chest, disgusting I know. ha if I wasn't already dating someone at the time-I probably would have been really embarrassed to be seen by the ward boys, but it was fun to get all gross. The downside was that the hair-sprayed on hair on the feet kept falling off and I would find it random places.
Sick!! At least the hair stuck to one foot.
The whole group on Saturday night. I'd say we did pretty good, we have almost every character! First we went to taco bell and got lots of crazy looks, and I ate taco bell for the first time in was gross. Then we went to a dance party! After that I ditched my hobbit costume and watched a movie with Jared who was feeling sick, sad, it reminded me of last Halloween when I was sick. We watched "The Others". Overall, I think it was a pretty successful night. I had a ton of fun, it was the best college Halloween yet!
We went to the haunted mill, it's not Halloween without a haunted house-I love being scared! We watched "The Ring" which wasn't as scary as I remembered it. We went to a demolition derby-where a bunch of people with old cars crash them into each other and the last one standing wins. It was a fun place to people watch. I have learned a lot, looking back I would have done a lot of things different. I have made a lot of mistakes.I think at this point in my life I need to focus on being ready to take big steps and move forward with faith and I feel like now I am finally ready for that. That is the main thing I have learned.
There are so many directions my life can go right now and I am going to have a lot of big decisions to make! I know everything will turn out right though and that everything happens for a reason. One of my favorite quotes right now is one by President Gordan B. Hinckley it says:
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our Prayers."
There have been so many instances especially up here at college that I have seen my prayers answered. Sometimes it is even something that I have wanted to pray about, but figured it wasn't big enough or important so I didn't pray about it, but it was answered anyway because the Lord knows our thoughts and desires. ah, I am just growing so much here at school and I am so grateful to be here, for the people I have met, for the relationships I have had, for the things I have learned, and for the experiences I have had that have shaped me into who I am today. I think writing this out is more for me than anything ha, but I know that everything will work out, faith is key!