Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Tribute to John McCain

I was never really into politics until recently, I am not sure what sparked my interest, but since the summer I have been really into researching both the candidates and their stances on the issues, researching propositions, etc. I love it! I didn't miss a debate and was the first one in our family to know the 411 about each candidate.-i know its strange haha! Our class at school is even doing a Fantasy Congress league! I had been following the race very closly and was estatic when I heard that we were invited to attend John McCain's election party-thanks to Jeff! It was so fun with all our cousins and the cool atmosphere of a Presidential election party. I kinda knew what was coming and was sad to find out that McCain's speech would not be one of victory, but one of concession :( I have been thinking about it all day and it makes me really sad! To me John McCain was the best choice for President, but people overlooked it because of Obamas eloquent way of phrasing his pointless plans that our country just doesn't have the money for. Anyway I won't bore you with my views on these haha! I really admire John McCain's love for our country and his service as a Navy Pilot. I can't even imagine what he must have gone through at those camps, but it is undeniable the love he has for the U.S.A. He had so much to bring to the table and would have been way more prepared to deal with the war in Iraq. Here are some pictures and videos from the party last night. It was a night I will never forget! Here's to McCain!

In the ballroom listening to John Rich, He sang his song "Raisin' McCain"

This is one of those moments where I wish I had a really good camera!

Below is a video I took of his speech:

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