Monday, June 21, 2010


It's a sad thing looking at your bank account and seeing that you have $24.66. It was fun being poor for a while, but that was then, this is now. I am ready for my scrubs, $50/hr job, bachelors degree, and New Honda Civic. I have never been one with much patience. Instead I guess I'll have a bowl of cereal, chemistry homework, and multiple study guides. I know this is pretty pathetic and I really should be thankful for this opportunity for college life, but I had to tell someone, I HATE BEING POOR!!! Okay moving on.

Today we had a ward FHE, a flour war. I thought the idea sounded fun, until I was hit square between the eyes with a huge nylon flour sack. (I hope they weren't so cheap as to buy the nylons from DI) Eyes watering, lungs of inhaled flour, and face white as snow I staggared to the side lines and then got my revenge. Overall I guess you could say I had fun, still scratching flour from my scalp, but hey I guess seeing the look on the girls face as my not so good aim brought her a nylon sack straight to the tush was worth it.


Unknown said...

Brittany, I love you even though you're poor. Check your bank account today - that's what moms are for:)

Sam and Melissa said...

HA ha. You make me laugh Brit. I hope you will be as lucky as me and be poor for about 10 more years, You ain't seen nothing yet :)

larainydays said...

You're not really poor if you can afford to waste all that flour.