This Halloween has been fun, although my being sick put somewhat of a damper on it :(. On Friday we went to our ward party, Alisha and I were Egyptians. We went to the infamous D.I and picked out a nice gold sheet, then as we searched for a gold belt, it seemed like fate that there were 2 of exactly the same belt, haha! Then we went to Wal-mart and got ribbon and such. We had fun doing all our make-up and I loved using false eye-lashes for the first time! 2 of our roommates said Alisha's eyes didn't look "Egyptian" enough and pinned her down and added a ton!! haha! At our ward party this girl came up to Alisha and was like, "OH your such a cute little shepherd girl!!" haha! We were a mix between Egyptian, Indian, and I guess shepherd girls...
Then we were exhausted and came home and made huge bowls of potatoes and gravy, and pulled out our mattresses and watched a movie on my huge 17" laptop screen. I guess having a screen that big really hasn't turned out to be bad, in fact that combined with a Netflix membership has been invaluable up here at school, well when we have time anyway.
On Saturday we went party hopping with Jill, Shelly, and some other girls, we also went to Sammy's and there was a cool band playing. Then we went back to Jill's and watched "The Village" because every other scary movie had been checked out, go figure. Oh it was also Lyndee's birthday on Thursday so I went over there with Jill and Katie and we had dinner and a party!
The picture above is before the Ward Party-2 of my roommates and Ben.