Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Worst Fear

I love the spring here, but they bring the grossest, worst, and most scary bugs, mosquito eaters! Ew just thinking about them makes me squirm. They are worse than spiders because they fly and chase you everywhere! There never seems to be a way to keep them out of the house and really one of the reasons I am excited to go to Idaho is because it is too cold there for them. I freak out whenever I see one and always hurt myself trying to get away from them. One time one flew at my face at the dinner table and I ran backwards not realizing that the dishwasher was open, I tripped over it and sat on all the dishes barely missing a fork, ouch. Another time one was attracted to the computer screen and I stubbed my toe, tripped over the computer chair and rolled to the ground. Tonight I went to get a plate and one was in the cupboard and flew at my face! They really are horrible, I would rather be bitten by mosquitos than have these nasty things flying through the house searching for me. I don't know where the one flying in here went and I can't stop looking over my shoulder ha

1 comment:

Sam and Melissa said...

Nasty! I really don't remember those bugs. They must just be attracted to you. Good luck in Idaho, hope it warms up a little for you!