Monday, January 4, 2010


I hate change. it ruins everything. I wish that no one had to work, no one went away, and that we could all just live near each other and have fun all the time. Its completely unrealistic, but thats how I wish it was, and how I imagine heaven will be somewhat like. I am so glad I can be with my family forever. Today we dropped Ashley off at the airport. There are certain places that I hate being: airports, hospitals, and downtown. My mom is so nice and we go to the starbucks in the airport and she buys scones, muffins, and a big mint chocolate chip frappachino and then we say goodbye to Ashley, we watch until we can no longer see her blonde hair. I hold back tears because I don't want to smear my make-up for school and then we make the long drive back to Peoria feeling sick from all the sugar for breakfast. Today however, I don't have high school anymore. So I enter the dark house, and head for Ashley's room, read the letter she wrote me, curl up in a ball and cry. "I'm just too far, from where you are, I want to come home..."

1 comment:

ashley said...

oh britt ): I miss you!!! I always cry on the plane ride because I miss you guys. I wish you could come visit me.